Hypoallergenic Mattresses
Hypoallergenic or Anti-Allergy Mattresses, use a number of different technologies to combat the allergens which otherwise contribute to the symptoms that allergy sufferers experience. From the mattress covers to the structure of the fillings used, this collection of products all work to alleviate your symptoms, resulting in less disturbance as you sleep, helping you feel more rejuvenated and energised when you wake in the morning.
Delivery Speed
Mattress Core
Mattress Tension
Mattress Fillings
Mattress Depth
Types of Allergen
The most common types of allergen found within your bed, are bacteria, mould, dust mites and dust itself. Every night as we sleep, we lose around half a pint of moisture through perspiration, and dead skin cells are shed, as new cells take their place. These things, along with the presence of our natural body heat, attract microbes and dust mites, which in turn make the symptoms that allergy suffers contend with, far worse in the process.
How do Anti-Allergy Mattresses work?
There are 2 main ways in which hypoallergenic mattresses combat these allergens:
- The mattress covers are treated or contain special fibres
- The mattress fillings provide an unsuitable environment for bacteria and dust mites
Anti-allergy mattresses are also ideal for small children, whose immune systems may not be as advanced as those of an adult.
Anti-Allergy Mattress Covers
There are a few ways in which the mattress cover can help reduce allergies. Natural fibres such as Tencel and Aloe Vera, neutralise bacteria, mould and dust mites, preventing them from growing. Certain manufacturers use branded technologies to also reduce moisture and other resources that microbes would otherwise feed on. These materials include:
- Purotex - commonly found within Sealy and Silentnight Mattresses
- Adaptive - found within some Sealy Mattresses
These materials vastly reduce the number of allergens founds on a mattress surface, and actively prevent them from penetrating through the mattress cover and into the mattress itself. Additionally some of these mattresses include removable covers which can be washed separately, to keep them hygienic and fresh.
Hypoallergenic Mattress Fillings
There are 2 things to consider with mattress fillings:
- The structure of the materials used
- Whether they support or inhibit dust mites and microbes
Foam, latex, memory foam and other synthetic technologies, are in their very nature hypoallergenic. They're not composed of fibres which can easily move apart, unlike the natural fibres of wool. This means that the fibres themselves won't be migrating through the mattress surface over time, with small particles being inhaled. When this happens it causes irritation to the throat and lungs.
Foam also doesn't hold moisture like natural materials (and even polyester does), again reducing the resources that microbes thrive on.
Free Delivery
All of these hypoallergenic mattresses include Free Delivery, with many of them being available for Next Day. You can even specify an exact date at the checkout and choose whether or not to have your old mattress taken away and recycled for a small fee.