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    Dean Morley
    25 May 2023, 1:05 PM

    White Noise Explained 

    Woman listening to white noise in bed

    White noise has become increasingly popular in recent years as a sleep aid, and for good reason. This type of sound, which is a mixture of different frequencies and pitches played at equal intensities, has been shown to help people fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what white noise is, how it works, and why it’s an effective tool for better sleep.

    What is White Noise?

    White noise is a type of sound that contains all audible frequencies at equal intensities. It’s created by combining different sounds together, such as the sound of a fan, a radio tuned between stations, or the sound of rainfall. When these sounds are played at the same intensity, they create a consistent background noise that can be used to mask other sounds in the environment. This can be helpful for people who have trouble falling asleep due to noise pollution from outside, such as traffic, sirens, or neighbours.

    How Does White Noise Help with Sleep?

    White noise can help with sleep in several ways. First, it can provide a consistent, soothing background noise that can help mask other sounds in the environment. This can make it easier for people to fall asleep and stay asleep, especially if they live in a noisy area. Second, white noise can help create a sense of calm and relaxation, which can also help people fall asleep more easily. Finally, white noise can help block out internal noises, such as tinnitus or the sound of one’s own breathing, which can be distracting and keep people awake.

    What Are the Benefits of Using White Noise for Sleep?

    There are several benefits to using white noise for sleep. First, it can help people fall asleep faster, which is especially important for people who have trouble falling asleep due to noise pollution or other distractions. Second, it can help people stay asleep longer by masking any sudden or unexpected sounds that might otherwise wake them up. Third, it can help people achieve deeper sleep, which can lead to improved cognitive function, better mood, and increased energy during the day. Finally, using white noise can be a simple and non-invasive way to improve sleep quality without resorting to medication or other more invasive treatments.

    An electric fan is the perfect white noise solution

    What Are Some Tips for Using White Noise for Sleep?

    If you’re interested in using white noise to improve your sleep, there are several tips you can follow to make the most of this tool. First, choose a sound that you find soothing and relaxing. This could be the sound of a fan, a waterfall, or even the sound of static. Experiment with different sounds to find the one that works best for you. Second, use a white noise machine or app to create a consistent sound that can be played throughout the night. This can help create a sense of routine and calm that can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Finally, make sure to keep the volume at a comfortable level. While it’s important for the sound to be audible, it shouldn’t be so loud that it becomes distracting or uncomfortable.

    White noise can be an effective tool for improving sleep quality. By creating a consistent background noise that can mask other sounds in the environment and promote relaxation, white noise can help people fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and achieve deeper sleep. If you’re interested in using white noise to improve your sleep, consider following the tips outlined in this blog post to get started.

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